Videre - Merlot / Malbec Blend

When Wilderness Run Vineyards’ winemaker Harry Pagan approached Southern Northern with their Merlot / Malbec blend, the idea was brought up about having a companion wine to Oculum, something that had its own identity & visual complexity. The first question we had was, “Is it clear?” No. No it was not clear.

This time we couldn’t use the bottle and wine as a lens. No problem.

Instead of using the bottle as a magnifying glass we thought it would be fun to create references back to Oculum with the cloche & viewing through it. We also packed in flowers, however this time everything has taken on a decidedly darker look & feel to match the rich red wine within.

Southern Northern hand painted the various elements in the label, pulling references from their own collection of butterfly specimens in the studio. The blue morpho butterflies were hot stamped with holographic foil to enhance their realistic quality. When the bottle is viewed at different angles, the butterflies resemble the iridescent sheen of the real thing.

To top it all off a second pass of gold foil gives the label a sophisticated stance while connecting it to Oculum with color matched foils.

Creative Direction
Brand Strategy




Wilderness Run Feather Packaging